mosho (2014 - present)

     I served as the architect and lead developer for a software platform designed to assist in rapidly developing content and interactions for synchronized presentation on audience's smart devices at a live event. An evolution of the work done on the Laboratory for Audience Interactive Technology, the mosho platform is a reusable, ‘open container’ running on a simple server-client architecture that provides dynamic broadcasting functionality and enables interactions with patrons at a live performance. The goal of the platform is to provide a low-cost, easy-to-use solution for producers wishing to incorporate an audience’s smart devices into their events.

     More information about the project can still be found on the original LAIT website and in papers published in the proceedings from ISEA2015: International Symposium on Electronic Art and in an invited contribution to the Journal of Dance Education (Vol. 16, No. 3, p. 81-89, 2016).

kama begata nihilum (2014) & critical mass (2016)

      Kama Begata Nihilum represents the initial foray into mobile devices as a platform for creative coding that led to the formation of LAIT as well as serving as a prime example of the platform's potential. For this event, two separate applications were developed: one to make use of tablets held by dancers and another leveraging the audience's own mobile devices.

     For Critical Mass, the phones are interacting with dancers and a large cube on stage via text messaging and photo uploads as well as responding to polls. In turn, the phones display additional content in suppot of the performance.

visual work../visual.html
code work../code.html
about me../about.html
music/audio work../music.html
theatre work../theatre.html