skttr (2013)

     skttr is a software package I developed that allows for the relatively simple capture, recording, playback, transmission and reception of motion data using a Microsoft Kinect camera, a laptop computer, and a network connection.
    The data captured by the Kinect camera is serialized and can be written to a file for playback at a later time. Looping functionality additionally allows someone to move with a recording they previously created or one made by an instructor.
    Alternatively, the data can be sent to a remote destination in the form of network messages using the OSC protocol. In turn, these OSC messages may be consumed by various software packages such as Max/MSP, Processing, or even a game engine such as Unity. This allows the motion data to be used not only as a record of a series of movements, but also as control data for a limitless variety of visualizations and/or sonifications.
    Additionally, the ability to transmit the motion capture data, which is relatively small compared to video data, over a network allowing for collaboration with remote partners for movement-based works. The video below shows dancers, sound and video artists from Champaign, IL, DeKalb, IL and Tokyo, Japan engaged in an experimental performance sharing motion capture data, and other control messages in real-time between the different locales.

watch on youtube

visual work../visual.html
code work../code.html
about me../about.html
music/audio work../music.html
theatre work../theatre.html